How I Set An Intention And Manifested a Job In Less Than a Week

3 min readJan 28, 2023
Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Pre-pandemic, I’d had a hellish few years. Among the life changing events: I lost my mother to lung cancer, my husband lost his job and started a new business, I suffered a challenging but ultimately resolvable health crisis, first one kid graduated high school and went off to college, I started then quit a job, the second kid went off to college — overseas — then I took another that was temporary and intermittent. And, during all of this, I was writing and trying to sell a novel. It was a lot.

When finally the dust settled, and the new landscape of my life revealed itself, I found myself a little lost, a little bored and wondering what my plan was for the next 40, 50, 60 years of my life might be.

I’d always harbored dreams of being a full time novelist, (my first book was picked up by a small publisher and I’m working on my second) but, it is a lonely pursuit. And, although I identify as an introvert, spending all day alone and talking mostly only to my husband left me with some limited resources in terms of human interaction. And, studies show that human interaction is essential to longevity. I joined a writer’s space for a while, but, by definition, it’s a quiet space so chitchat isn’t really encouraged.




Novelist. NYC. Debut novel: Sometimes A Soldier Comes Home out now! Order online where ever good books are sold.