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The World Is A Mess — Why Having Kids Might Be The Way To Save It
Before I begin with my case for why, despite the chaos of our current world, it is a still a reasonable proposition to have children, I want to caveat my post by saying it is, of course, reasonable to choose not to have children and also, not any one’s business but your own. Your life, your choice as it always should be.
My post isn’t meant to push anyone toward what they do not want, but instead, it is intended, in this age of uncertainty, to bolster the spirits of those who want to have children but wonder if bringing a new life into this existential mess is a good idea.
My own kids are now young adults and off in college, so I don’t have to weigh the same questions a person of child-bearing age might have now. If fact, my kids were both born just before 9/11 so I was already all in before the slippery slope became so obvious. But sometimes I wonder what I might do if I were young and thinking about a family today. I always wanted kids, wanted to be a mom and I can’t imagine forgoing that dream because the world is a mess, and yet, the state of the world today would certainly give me pause.
Nevertheless, I still think the answer is a resounding YES, having kids is a good idea (if you want them) in spite of the state of the world. In fact, creating new life may be the only thing…